Friday, January 20, 2006

siren call of the weekend

It's Friday. Friday morning. The weekend calls me, lures me... What is on the agenda? Saturday morning is Maja's Water Babies class. I can only hope that the instructor has brushed up on her kiddie songs (a few verses of Wheels on the Bus and [#] Little Ducks can't hurt!!!!) or she will face a mutiny. Bored parents with splashing babies is not a good combination. I don't know if Maja really notices if there are songs or not, she's just so darn happy to be in the water! If it doesn't rain in the afternoon, Richard and I plan on taking Emerson and Maja for a walk on the Schulykill River path. This is part of the Emerson-needs-to-lose-weight campaign and the Family-outdoor-activity campaign. I feel like a war general with my campaigns. I suppose I'm too tall to be Napoleon, though. Not to mention the gender thing. Sunday... in the afternoon we've been invited to a final-shindig at Sarah, Alberto & Sam's house. They're moving to DC in a few weeks. sniff. The promise of Argentinian empanadas is strong, and I hope that Maja and I will be going. Also, Sam and Maja are 2 days apart in age -- so they have a good connection, even if they can't express it to each other yet. You can see some early pictures of Sam & Maja here. Heh, Maja looks funny so bald! ------------- Maja had her 9 month appt yesterday. She's a 'tiny mighty'! Stats: 16lbs 10.1 oz (13th percentile); 2'3.2" (36th percentile)


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Definitely a healthy baby - don't worry, Elyn was only 18 pounds at 12 months. Maja has plenty of time to grow.
Mrs. h

3/23/2006 07:59:00 PM  

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