le weekend
Hey, it worked out as planned! Saturday had a rough start, though. Just as I was about to leave for Water Babies, Maja NEEDED a diaper change. So, I ran up to the third floor and cleaned her up. During this process, the toilet overflowed. So, I'm standing there with a 1/2 dressed squirming baby and dirty toilet water on the floor. sigh. I put Maja down on the floor in her room, went back in the bathroom and threw some towels down to sop up the mess. Ok, I thought, I'll mop the floor when I get back from class. I go downstairs to the first floor. I hear an ominious drip drip drip drip. There is water (dirty toilet water) dripping on my kitchen floor. On the first floor. Aforementioned toilet is on the third. Cursing ensues. I grab Maja and dash up to the second floor to throw more towels on the puddle in the hole that is soon to be a closet. Of course, there's no light in there so I can't see -- and not to mention that I'm still hanging on to Maja.
And where's Richard? Walking Emerson.
More cursing -- I'm now running late for class; I can't find my cell phone. I can't find paper or a working pen to write a note for Richard.
I make sure no NEW water is coming from the toilet (this involves another trip up to the third floor) and find paper and a pen. I scrawl a note for Richard, find my cell phone, get a coat on Maja and myself, grab the diaper bag and swim bag and get out the door. Walk to the car, which is parked 1.5 blocks over only to find that the damn car seat is still in the trunk (I took it out when I gave a carful of adults rides home on Thursday night after choir). More cursing. Dump the bags in the trunk, grab the car seat. Breathe deeply. Sit the car seat down, strap Maja in. Then attach the carseat. Tighten straps. Maja's not happy about this. Shut the door -- you can't hear her screaming then.
Get in the car and zoom to Water Babies.
Anyway, the rest of the weekend was not as exciting. We did go for our walk along the Schulykill River Trail on Saturday afternoon. The weather was warm! Crazy-warm for January -- I think it was about 14C.
Left, Maja giving us a smile from the stoller. Right, Richard, Maja and Emerson at the Water Works.
Sunday afternoon Maja and I said goodbye
to Sarah, Alberto and Sam.
Maja and Sam spent some quality time playing on the floor together.
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