The day is here!!!!!!!! Yipeee! We were up until 1am packing, but it's done. I hope. Anyway, we don't close on the house until the 28th, and since we're moving a whole 6 blocks away, it won't be hard to do a few dashes back and forth to the house to get the last few tidbits.
Moving sucks. It doesn't matter if you're moving 6 blocks, across the state, or to another country -- you still have to pack.
Richard is at home today supervising the movers. I don't think he was too impressed with me going to work -- but I have no vacation time left to take the day off. My best solution is to work a 7am-2pm day... I could feel the 'evil eye' stare on my back as I left the house. Just for the record -- I don't want to be at work today either. I'm a control freak; it took every ounce of willpower for me to walk out that door and not be home to help supervise the move.
If we can just get through the next 7 days...
8:16am. Missed the carpet measurer guy this morning. He calls and says he's going to be there between 9am and 11am... but actually showed up at 8am. Of course we weren't there. 1 less thing to worry about!
8:19am. ADT is rescheduled for tomorrow between 12 and 1pm. 1 less thing to worry about!
8:21am. Carpet measurer guy (aka CMG) is coming tomorrow morning between 7am and 9am.
I'm hungry. And thirsty -- need OJ. Questioning the idea that Verizon actually needs access to the house to switch on the phone...
8:25am. Why am I at work today??? Obviously nothing is going to get done. Just realized I didn't put any hair product in my hair... it's probably frizzy. Must not look in a mirror to confirm. At least I remembered to wet it this morning, so it's not sticking straight up. Need a bagel. And OJ. Dunkin' Donuts is across the street. Need cash.
8:32am. Have egg & cheese on bagel and OJ.
8:48am. Movers called. They're on their way! Should arrive within 30-45min.
9:19am. Movers arrived.
9:44am. ADT calls. They want to come earlier today. I inform the technician that R called and had the appt re-scheduled for tomorrow...
10am. Sleep deprivation headache starting to set in. Considering a 2nd cup of coffee...
10:12am. A lovely co-worker just gave me a housewarming gift! A plant...
12:43pm. Yes, still here. All is going smoothly. The truck is loaded with our stuff. The grand old dame of music has been gifted to the musicians across the street. Bye-bye piano. [sorry mom, I know you had your eye on refinishing it... we'll have other projects for you, I'm sure]. I DID have a 2nd cup of coffee and lots of water, so I'm feeling better. yeah.
1:17pm. Drum-roll please... truck is being unloaded!
1:46pm. That's it folks. I'm outta here. Going to my NEW home to unpack!
ok, lady, while this is highlly entertaining and all (because it both hits a very familiar and recent note, and it's also not me that's having to do the moving and hand-wringing) need to go home! make up the hours! comp time it! yer moving for crissakes!
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