What... what... what to write. 1. I made Apricot Chicken in the slow cooker overnight for tonight's dinner. I opened the lid this morning when I came downstairs for breakfast and boy oh boy did it smell good. Now, I'm really looking forward to dinner. This is my new tactic for having a relatively calm evening: make dinner the night before, so all I have to do is heat it up! 2. Maja slept in long enough this morning for me to eat some breakfast. yea! 3. I wish I had time in the evenings to relax. You'd think that after Maja goes to bed that I could sit and read/knit -- but lunches need to be made, the kitchen needs to be tidied, laundry needs to be folded... By the time I'm done all that it's 9:30! Then a quick shower and it's off to bed. 4. Maja ate green beans last night. I had some in the fridge from the previous evening, already cooked. So, I sat on the floor with her while she was playing with her phonics bus in the kitchen, and started eating green beans. She joined in and chomped away on them! Then she fed a few to Emerson... Anyway, I was most happy that she was enthusiastic about the green beans. Tonight: peas! 5. I hate humidity. And it's very humid out (86%). And the forecast has rain for the next 10 days. yahoo. 6. Really looking forward to Omi & Papa's visit next week! 7. I want to knit this Sarcelle. 8. I love my new house. 9. I want bbq. Or apricot chicken. right now. 10. Maja had a good morning (except for the new stroller hatred she's developed). 11. Maja's new word of the week: Flower.
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