1. I'm sick with a cold. sniff.
2. it's raining outside. sniff sniff.
3. stitchmarkers! from the talented Wendy at Knit and the City.
4. gift yarn! from the wonderful Amey who travelled to New Zealand (!!) and brought this back for me. It's destined for a lacey scarf, I believe. Thanks Amey!
5. the car is in the shop again so that they can determine where it's leaking from (hello? the sunroof. I've already determined that. Perhaps elsewhere too. just fix it).
6. today is Omi & Papa's last day. sniff sniff sniff. tomorrow they fly back to the homeland. I truely believe that Maja had a great time with them -- and they with her. I'm so happy that they took the time to come and visit.
7. aforementioned cold is keeping me out of the pool.
8. Maja woke up at 5am today -- screaming. Then proceeded to a slow cry-filled babble interspersed with 'mama, mama...'. You can't ignore that -- even if you turn down the monitor. And hello, it's 5am. It's dark and raining. When I went upstairs to get her she was sitting in the corner of her crib crying. Poor thing. This morphed into another fussy morning with a full-blown screaming fit at breakfast.
9. I'm hungry. I forgot to pack a lunch or any food for that matter! Not even a banana. duh.
10. tomorrow Maja will be 17 months old. yikes.
However, it is Friday - that you can take joy in! Anna has a cold too with a very sore throat so she can understand your pain.
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