Happy Birthday to ME!
Happy birthday to me, I am 33! (now, the sharper tacks out there will have quickly figured out my mom's age...)
Richard made me a special breakfast: pancakes! And Miss Maja obliged by staying asleep until I had finished (I think she has a 6th sense about me and food as she usually wakes up the second I sit down to eat!).
My sister Annette sent me these beautiful flowers. Thanks!
I did get my birthday present last week, a little early:
Isn't it pretty? It's small enough to fit in my purse, and I can download pictures to any computer without special software! woohoo.
So, here's a picture of the blooming azalea bush in my front garden that I took this morning. This azalea bush was a present from my mom for my 30th birthday and it will be VERY hard to leave it behind when we've sold the house. Sentimental value and all.
Here are Richard and Maja on their way to
daycare/work this morning!
Happy Birthday Katia! We hope you have a great day! And take the azalea bush with you when you move!!! I've done it with some of our plants :o)
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