Happy Birthday wishes Mom; Maja's weekend!
Happy Birthday to my mom! I won't tell you her age, but I will say that this time 'round on the birthday train, my mom is exactly twice my age -- kinda neat!
What a busy weekend it was! Saturday morning saw us at the playground nice and early (we're talking 8am):
Of course, we were the only ones there!!!! Maja likes this dinosaur toy -- she can climb the bars at the end and LOVES to scoot down the slide. Then, of course she tries to walk up the slide... it's almost like a baby treadmill then, because she works hard but doesn't get anywhere.
Saturday afternoon we had a BBQ for our babysitting co-op. Richard was master chef on his new bbq, the rest of us made sure the kids didn't get into trouble and enjoyed our beer(s).
Maja and Cora discovered the dirt and started sorting it... and maybe eating a little bit of it. But, as my dad always says: don't worry, it's clean dirt!
On Sunday afternoon, we went to a few events at the Penn Children's Festival with our friends Jack & Laura, and their son Harry (he's 3 weeks older than Maja). I think the kids enjoyed the activity on the plaza -- although they were too young to participate in the craft tables. At any rate, it's nice now to know what the Festival is all about.
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