Thursday, May 11, 2006

Where were you when...

I deal with a lot of dead actors during my days here at the Ivory Tower. So, today I came across James Dean, who died tragically in 1955 in a road accident. I always remember my mom saying that when she was young she thought that James Dean was a hottie. So, mom (and others of her generation!) where were you when James Dean died? Where were you when the news of Elvis Presley's death was announced? This got me to thinking about some of the significant view-on-life altering events that I've experienced in my lifetime. 9/11 -- I was at my desk at work in the Rodin Place bldg. Columbia shuttle disaster -- I was in the playground at my elementary school OJ Simpson trial verdict -- I was in a shuttle van going from the Toronto airport to London, Ont. So, dear readers, what were some significant events that you remember and where were you?


Blogger Katia / Crazy For Trying said...

9/11 we were dismissed from work and I went home. That afternoon I took a walk around the neighbourhood -- it was beautifully sunny. I agree, there was an eerie vibe in the air.

5/11/2006 03:54:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The event that stands out in my mind was when John F. Kennedy was shot.

I was a young women working in Manhattan. It was such an eerie experience - especially since we had no tv's in our office just someone's radio.

the company RENTED a tv so we could see the presidential funeral.

9/11 we were at home and Margo called to tell us.
Liz called from England -
she was so very upset.
It was more disburbing than Kennedy's murder since it was ordinary people who were attacked.
A very sad day in our country's history!

5/11/2006 04:15:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

How about when Princess Di was killed in the car accident? I was in Vancouver (the King Ed basement apt) hanging out in the backyard when our landlord came out to tell us. I couldn't believe it and was sure it was a media fabrication.

Mike remembers when John Lennon was shot - I have no memories of that day. Mike was sick at home instead of in school. His Mom's friend came over and they listened to a Beatles album.

Those are the only celebrity shockers I can think of.

As for 9/11, I was on the 6:30 am ferry between Horseshoe Bay and Nanaimo going to do field work at the research sites for a couple of days. They don't play radio or tv on the ship but so many people (mostly business commuters) were getting the details from others via cell phone that we heard all about it.

5/11/2006 11:07:00 PM  
Blogger Katia / Crazy For Trying said...

Oh yea, Princess Di. I first heard it on the radio when I was living in London Ont.

5/12/2006 07:59:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

On a more positive note, how about... when was your proudest moment? When was it that you were so overwhelmed you cried with joy? How about where were you when you got engaged and how did it happen? Where were you and how did you react when you first realized you were pregnant or when you heard your first grandchild was born... Ya know, good stuff that effects our lives in a positive way :o)

5/12/2006 12:19:00 PM  
Blogger Katia / Crazy For Trying said...

Huh. I remember SO clearly lying in bed in my room in London, Ont. listening to the morning news... she died 3:00am BST, so that's 8:00am EST -- makes sense. Oh well -- it was 9 years ago... maybe it was some other piece of news that I am overlaying on that memory.

5/12/2006 02:23:00 PM  
Blogger Katia / Crazy For Trying said...

L, you're right! I have no idea what I was listening to on the radio then, in London Ont. :)

5/12/2006 03:36:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

here it goes on the James Dean issue - I was a teenager (long time ago) and on a student exchange in Sweden. I remember that I wasn't the only young girl who thought this was a tragedy!

5/15/2006 11:09:00 AM  

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