Sunday, June 04, 2006

Maja and the tricycle

Maja was gifted a hand-me-down tricycle from our good friends Paul, Laura & Nandor. I sought out the tricycle because whenever we go to the playground and another child is there with a tricycle/bicycle or another big toy that you can sit on, Maja does indeed SIT on said toy. And won't get off. She has been known to sit on another child's toy for 20-30 min. I don't even need to push her around. She just sits. and sits and sits. Until another child (rightfully so!) wants to sit on the toy and Maja must be forcibly removed (note: this is often accompanied by high pitched screams). So, I got her a tricycle. We picked it up from Paul/Laura/Nandor this morning, and took it to the park this afternoon. Maja sat. She didn't want to go on the swing; she didn't want to go on the slide. She merely sat on her new trike. I think she likes it. She's still too little to even reach the pedals, so I have to push her around.


Blogger Katia / Crazy For Trying said...

Nope, didn't get any comments re James' mower. Blogger was acting fritzy on Monday... it may have gotten lost in the ether!

So, tell us about the mower!

6/07/2006 08:04:00 AM  

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