Friday, July 21, 2006

shoes off!

It's a controversial topic -- even within my own household. I think it's rude for people to keep their shoes on when entering my house; R thinks it's rude to ask people to take them off. My problem: dirt. You walk with those shoes on the sidewalks where people spit (hello. gross all on it's own), dogs & cats & whatever make their deposits, garbage, bubble gum and WHO KNOWS WHAT ELSE ... and then you want to track that grossness into my house? Track the grit onto my hardwood floors? Where my little Maja plays? No way. This about sums it up. So, when you come to my house be forewarned: leave your shoes at the door. I'll provide you with clean socks or slippers or you can provide your own. It's not really a topic of debate anymore as Richard shares my opinion. Thanks. I think the only time I would suspend my request would be at a party. To that end, I got enough yarn today to knit up 6 pairs of socks. Woohoo!