one baby has arrived!
Congrats to Trish and Dan are in order as they welcomed Eloise Michaela to the world yesterday at 2.53pm! She weighed in at 8lbs 13 oz. and 20" long. I'd post a picture, but I want to get permission from her parents (!!!!HEH!!!!) first.
UPDATE: here's a link to Eloise on flickr.
2.53pm. Such a _civil_ time to have a baby. One always thinks they need to arrive in the middle of the night...
In the blink of an eye you become a parent, a mom or a dad. It sets you on a course to possibly become a grandparent. You are the centre of this child's world. You will be kissing boo-boo's and giving snuggles and receiving hugs and kisses sooner than you think.
I'm excited that this evening Richard and I will go visit and meet Eloise. What a treat, to see (and maybe hold?) a 1-day old baby. I imagine it will be a shock to remember how tiny a newborn is.
I'm thinking back, of course, to the day Maja came into this world. Such a tiny, cute little button. And she did arrive in the middle of the night, at 12.57am. Then I spent 4 hrs in the delivery room afterwards waiting for the anethesia to wear off so I could walk again. Maja wasn't with me for most of that time... Richard and my mom sat on the couch in the room freezing... what did we talk about? I can't remember. I DO remember trying to shake life back into my legs and I DO remember the nurse trying to get me to go to the bathroom (it didn't work). At 5am they wheeled me up to the maternity ward and then I was allowed to sleep until 6am. Then they brought a CHILD in to my room and told me I had to take care of it -- she was hungry. HUH? No, you're mistaken. And what is that crying noise?
Maja as a newborn:
7:34 is a civil time.
in my opinion, any labour (regardless of length) is uncivil. :)
All moms deserve diamonds after giving birth. ha ha
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