psst, anybody wanna buy a house?
Whoever finds the Emerson butt in these pictures wins a prize. But, you have to put your answer in the comments section!!!
I think I'm actually glad it's Monday and that I'm at work. Otherwise I'd be at home ... painting. I think my hands are still cramping from doing trim work. At anyrate, we FINISHED with second floor t.v. room and bedroom. And, the first floor living room and dining room. It's a novel concept to have drapes on the bedroom windows and to be able to walk on the floor without a) getting a splinter, or b) being skeeved out by the rug.
We still have to: finish the bathroom; finish painting trim in the hallway; tidy the third floor; paint a few spots on one wall on the third floor. And clean clean clean.
We've been culling furniture, and by Wednesday we'll have given away a bookshelf, 2 tables & 4 chairs & 2 kitchen storage units. We've also found a home for my old Ikea sofa and the Ikea Ivar shelving that we have on the third floor -- those will disappear sometime after mid-May, when we get ready to actually move.
I. am. so. tired.
I say his butt is going down the hallway towards the front door by the living room...bottom left picture.
ding ding ding!!! we have a winner! I'll think up a prize and send it on over.
Is that Emerson in the bottom right of the pic with your 2nd floor living area? Its fuzzy so I'm just guessing... and I like prizes.
Oh shoot, I see Kirsten had already guessed and she guessed correctly. The hallway would have been my second guess but I figured it could also have been a bag or a shoe rack, etc...
Sorry, El, that's a water bowl. But good guess. Next time... :)
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