okay, it snowed!
So, it did snow! Not quite enough to bring the city to it's knees... but it did cause some trouble. According to my highly scientific and controlled measuring on the sidewalk infront of the house, we got 10". Not bad. It was fluffy snow, and not too bad shoveling.
Of course, we all had to go for a walk in the winter wonderland. It was windy, so we packed Maja up in the too-big snowsuit, stuck her in the backpack carrier, and off we went!
One of the UCity 'traditions' is that everyone goes sledding at the bowl in Clark Park! We trekked on down there, not to go sledding but to see what was going on. It was amazing! There were probably about 200 people there enjoying the snow. There were kids with sleds and crazy carpets; there were college kids with skis & snowboards! Some people were sliding down the hill on cafeteria trays, others were using old beer cartons. Hey, if it slides then use it!
Then we said 'hi' to the new street... and toddled off home again. It was a good day!
10 inches of snow is a fair amount, even by Sault Ste. Marie standards. So, how long does it take a city like Philedelphia to dig out from that or do you just sit back and wait till it melts?
Mrs. H
My turn!! PhilAdelphia. :)
We wait until it melts, which thankfully doesn't ever take very long. Philly's snow removal system consists of a man named Bob with a shovel.
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