My WIP. This will be a lace shawl and I'm hoping will be stunning when it's blocked out. Made with 100% handpainted Merino in sport weight. The lace pattern is a 14 row repeat and there are 20 repeats. It takes me 1 hr. to do a repeat -- so, that's about 20 hrs. of work. Not to mention the time it takes to wind the skeins into balls AND to fix mistakes. And let me say, I've made mistakes. And have had to undo many many rows. Many times. Don't drop stitches in lace, it's not a pretty sight and has almost brought me to tears! So, in total, I think that this will take me about 40 hrs to finish. It is my first large lace project, so I'm hoping that with practice I'll get faster at it. I was hoping to finish the shawl for a party onSaturday night, but I'm not confident that this is an achievable goal. I still have 3 repeats to go and the final seed stitch
border on each end. And then I need to block it out. I know it's only Thursday... but I have to clean the house for Sunday! Maybe if I vacuum really quickly tonight I can get an hour of knitting in. And I can't knit today at lunch because I have a hair appointment; and I can't knit tomorrow at lunch because we talk too much with our knitting group... maybe I'll be up VERY late tonight and tomorrow night! And then when am I going to block it and have enough time for it to dry by Saturday night? I suppose I could block it out on the bed at home and put the ceiling fan on to speed up the drying process...
Update! House cleaning is no longer neccessary. That frees up my evening to knit. I'll have to sequester myself as I've deemed Richard as being a distraction to my lace -- everytime he's around I end up ripping out 3 rows or more, undoing a 1/2 hr. of work! ugh.
See!!!! Pink is the new black. :)
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