summer in the city
Hot town, summer in the city
Back of my neck getting dirty and gritty
Been down, isn't it a pity
Doesn't seem to be a shadow in the city
We were supposed to go 'down the shore' this weekend, but the weather did not co-operate! So, our weekend was postponed and instead Richard, Maja, and I headed OUT of the city.
On Saturday we went to the Moravian Tile Works. Very cool. The grounds are beautiful and include the Fonthill Museum and the Tile Works. We didn't tour Fonthill because the tour was long (1 hr.) and once you started the tour, you couldn't leave. That just doesn't work well with a toddler! So, instead we toured the Tile Works -- which was a self-guided tour.
This is Fonthill in the morning haze and humidity.
Maja in the sling with me at the Tile Works.
After all that, we went to New Hope for lunch. This is a cute little town on the Delaware River, spitting distance from New Jersey (you can actually just walk across the bridge to Lambertville, NJ). Maja behaved herself in the restaurant (yeah!) and then we puttered around looking in some shops.
SUNDAY. Can you believe that the weather was not warm enough for me to take Miss Maja to the pool????? Instead, we all went to the zoo.
The hippos were sleeping in the water.
The elephants were active! Usually they just stand there doing nothing, but this time they were playing with the water.
Maja hung out on Dad's shoulders.
In other news, we moved Maja up into her new bedroom (sorry, no pics). I had a slight panic attack when I thought about how Maja will most likely spend the next 18 years in that room! Richard put up some baby gates -- important because Maja can really run down the hallways now. And she thinks it's funny to make us chase her.
We got a lot of boxes unpacked and stuff put away, now that the third floor is finally available! Best of all, the filing cabinets no longer reside in our bedroom closet -- so we were able to hang up clothes and can now access the clothes. phew.
AND we sold the last of the appliances that we replaced with the kitchen reno. No more tripping over the dishwasher when we come in the front door.
The roofer showed up on Friday. And Saturday. And Sunday (!!). And (hopefully) today. What was supposed to be a 1-day job is turning into a 4-day job. Grrrr. At any rate, the dude should be done by the end of today. Our floor refinisher is scheduled for next week Tuesday...
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