hi beautiful
am I too modest? do I not wax poetic often engouh on just how beautiful Maja is? is it my upbringing? am I naturally shy or loathe to draw attention to it? or do I just expect that everyone already knows how cute she is and I don't have to tell you? or, have I just heard it so often that I've become immune? Well for the record: my daughter is THE cutest, THE prettiest, and THE smartest 17.5 month-old in the whole entire universe. Now, you may argue that I'm biased, because afterall she is my daughter -- fruit of my labour -- but, I can assure you, despite that fact, she is _still_ THE cutest, THE prettiest, and THE smartest 17.5 month-old in the whole entire universe. So there. Maja gives the best hugs. Total love -- she throws her arms around your neck and snuggles in for a total hug. And she gives the best kisses -- cute little smacks on your cheek. She totally loves her daddy and asks for him constantly these days! If we're upstairs and she hears a noise downstairs, she'll go running over to [the gate at the top of] the stairs point and yell down: Daddy?!? Daddy?!? Now, who could resist that kind of cuteness? Maybe Richard and I should try for another... ha ha. Afterall, we did pretty well with #1 so far.
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