I realized this morning, while writing an email to a friend, that my life has changed dramatically in the 6 years (!!) since I've arrived in Philadelphia. When I got here I was a new graduate living in a strange country starting a brand new job. I had no friends and no family close by. Thankfully I had an internet connection at work, otherwise I may have gone nuts -- because I certainly didn't have a phone in my apartment (the phone company was on strike when I arrived. sigh). Well, at least I was lucky to find an apartment building where they didn't care that I had no credit history in the U.S.A. In a desperate attempt to find friends, I joined a gym; I joined a cycle club; I joined a hiking club; I joined a choir. A year later, I moved to center city. I had made some friends. 8 months later I met Richard. 7 months later Richard bought a house and we moved to West Philly. ... and, now, here I am. Living and working in West Philly. I have a great circle of friends; a job I love; a house I love even more; a child (!); a dog; a husband (no order of importance there). So, what about the aforementioned email made me think of this? Because, while at the park (aka my second home) I got this friend's email address by digging through Maja's diaper bag for a CLEAN napkin (i.e. one that I didn't use to wipe her snotty nose or drooly mouth or muddy hands) for her to write on. Six years ago this type of exchange might have happened on a cocktail napkin with a guy in a bar. Cheers.
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