Maja and I had the day off yesterday because the little monkey had conjunctivitis. Given her mood the past few weeks (screaming and whining and crying!), I was really dreading having to spend the whole day with her. But... we ended up have a good day! I did ALOT of reading about temper tantrums and how to handle them. I put some of that into practice yesterday, and while we didn't have an entirely tear-free day (I think that's impossible), we certainly avoided several full-blown tantrums. So, how did we spend our day? We had a leisurely breakfast where Maja at 3 bowls of cereal (!!!) and some pear. As you can see, she wanted to eat the pear 'whole', and not munch on the pieces I had cut up for her. We then went to the playground for about 45min. where she enjoyed running around in the grass and jumping off a tree stump. Home again for a snack (1 entire waffle) and to get ourselves organized to go meet dad at work for lunch! We took the trolley & subway over -- I think Maja liked it. We spent a little time visiting with some of dad's colleagues and then went across the street to the little park and had pizza. Home again via the subway & trolley. Maja took a lovely 3 hr. nap -- and mom had coffee and knit (more on that in a separate post). After the nap we went back to the park and hung out with a whole crew of her toddler friends: Ethan, Maizy, Emma, Jesse, Phoebe, Harry... and more! Dinner was in the slow-cooker and all ready for us when we got home. And, let me just say: dinner was civilized. She sat in her chair and ate -- no screaming, no throwing the food! She even tried some of her green vegetables. Amazing. After a little quiet play (puzzles) and some milk, it was a bath and then bed. Phew. So, next time Maja has a fussy/crying/whiney day I'll have to remember what a good time we had on Tuesday, Aug. 15.
Her eye is already better -- 24hr of antibiotic drops!
I think you have to handle each one differently based on the cause of the tantrum. With Maja, these days her tantrums are based on frustration. She tells me she wants something and I either a) don't hear her; b) don't understand her; c) don't want her to have what she wants. We're both working on point "b". She has to work on point "a" -- i.e. if she's in another part of the room and doesn't TELL me that she needs something but just starts screaming... well, that's not productive. She needs to come to me for help. As for point c, well -- it will most likely end up in tears, but I'm going to try really hard to remain calm and explain to her why she can't have the item and tell her that I understand why she'd be mad.
So... on we go into toddler-land.
One thing that usually worked for my kids was to offer a substitute or distraction when they could not have what they wanted. OR, you could just send her to Grandma for a few days!
sounds like Maja is testing to see how much leeway she can get.
Just love and hug her. Remember how fast they grow up.
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